
Clara and Juan got married in 2017. Clara was already dedicated to Longevity and they had the vision that once Juan completed his last project, they would both align their personal missions to work on longevity technology together, so this company has been brewing for several years. Both Clara and Juan did their MBAs at the University of Chicago Booth.

David and Juan have known each other since 2000. They studied Electrical Engineering together at ETSIT UPM, and then they both went on a Erasmus Exchange year to Stuttgart, where they developed a strong friendship. In 2008, David founded his first startup in telehealth and Juan became an angel investor in that project.

Team Picture

foto team (1).jpg





Co-founder pictures:


This is our first picture together, June 2020....

Above is literally the only picture we have of the 3 co-founders in our first "get together". We simply forgot to take proper pictures 🙉. David is based in a rural village of Galicia while Clara and Juan are based in a rural village of Valencia (Cofrentes) and we have not been able to see each other again.

A few pictures of cofounder Clara and Juan (Married so easier to find them together 😅)


Individual pictures